Friday, December 21, 2012

Manusia Terpintar di Dunia dengan IQ 250-300

hay.. all......!,, udah lama nih Mrs.Siver ( Mrs.Siver ?,, nama samaran biar keren dikit gitu,, hehe.. ,n' nama Siver di ambil dari singkatan kata Music Lovers ) tidak meng'abdate Entri baru.. ,, biasa lah.. Sibuk.. ( ci'ah... Sibuk... ,, Sibuk makan iya,, wkwk.. :D ) ,, ok" Guys.. kali ini Mrs.Siver bkalan bagikan Informasi yg MUNGKIN Guys ga' tau selama ini.. ,, Informasi Kali Ini tentang Orang Terpintar di dunia yg mempunyai IQ yang melebihi kategori JENIUS ,, wah..wah..wah.. pasti Guys semuanya pada penasaran kan ?? ,, atau Mrs.Siver tebak pasti ada salah satu dari kalian yang jawab " enggak tu.. ,, ga' penasaran soalnya aku udah tau orangnya ,, siapa lagi kalau bukan Albert Einstein " ,, klau emang tanggapan kalian seperti kata-kata barusan maka jawaban kalian SALAH BESAR !,, HaYyOo...! Penasaran yahh..!?,, karena Mrs.Siver Baik baget, tidak sombong, n' sangat Dermawan dan Juga pintar.. ( Ciyus.. ? ) maka Mrs.Siver bakalan kasih tau siapa sih Orang Terpintar di dunia.. yang kabarnya IQnya melebihi kategori Jenius ??
dan inilah jawaban atas penasaran kalian

William James Sidis

ya.. Sidis lah orangnya dia adalah orang terPintar di dunia dengan IQ 250-300,, tetapi mungkin yang kalian bayangkan sidis adalah orang yang paling bahagia hidupnya dengan IQ nya yang sangat tinggi dan pasti banyak orang yang akan mendekatinya dengan IQ nya yang sangat tinggi itu ,, tapi sayangnya jika jawaban kalian adalah kata-kata tersebut maka jawaban kalian salah besar.. ,, pernahkah kalian berfikir sidis dengan IQ yang sebesar itu mengapa namanya tidak terlalu terkenal bahkan hampir tidak dikenal / tenggelam dalam seiring waktu di bandingkan dengan orang-orang jenius lain yang IQ nya lebih rendah tetapi malah lebih terkenal di banding dia ??? ,, Inilah jawabannya


William James Sidis secara fisik dia memang seperti orang pada umumnya,, tetapi jika secara kepintaran maka dia bisa di seut luar biasa dari orang pada umumnya ,, Sidi sedari kecil sebenarnya sudah menunjukkan kepintarannya sebagai anak yang ajaib dan luar biasa diantaranya pada usia sidi yang masih 8 bulan.. sidis sudah bisa makan sendiri dengan menggunakan sendok ( ckck... perasaan umur segitu mah Mrs.Siver bisanya cuma tidur, makan itupun di suapin, nanggis, ,, klau makan sendiri mah.. ,, pasti dikira habiis acak-acak makanan orang,, hehe.. ) ,, dan sidis pada usianya yang belum genap 2 tahun ia sudah menjadikan New York Times sebagai teman sarapan paginya ,, dan semenjak saat itu namanya menjadi langganan Headline surat kabar ! dan menulis beberapa buku sebelum usianya 8 tahun yang diantaranya tentang anatomy dan astronomy lalu pada usianya yang keSebelas tahun sidis telah di terima di Universitas Harvard sebagai murid termuda ,, dan harvard akhirnya menjadi terpesona dengan keJeniusannya ketika sidis memberikan ceramah tentang jasad Empat Dimensi di depan para professor Matematika ( wih..wih..wih.. ,, Ajib..! ) ,, dang lebih Hebat dan menakjubkannya lagi Sidis mengerti 200 jenis bahasa di dunia ! dan dia dapat menerjemahkan bahasa tersebut dengan mudah dan Cepat ! ,, dan waktu yang d butuhkan sidi untuk menguasai 200 jenis bahasa tersebut adalah hanya dengan waktu 1 Hari !!!!!    ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,            ( weh.. weh... weh... ,, Ajaib bener yaa nih anak ,, Amazing ! ) 

Tetapi siapa yang dapat menduga seiring berjalannya waktu akhirnya sidis meninggal pada usia yang terbilang cukup muda yaitu 46 tahun,, dimana semestinya seorang ilmuwan berada dalam masa Produktifnya lai hal dengan sidi yang meninggal dalam keadaan yang menganggur, terasing.. , dam Sangat miskin ,, ternyata kenyataanya Popularitas dan keahliannya pada bidang Matematika membuatnya amat tersiksa ,, dan memang beberapa tahun sebelum sidis meninggal sidis pernah berkata kepada per " ahwa dia membenci matematika yang selama ini telah membuatnya dikenal orang banyak

Dalam kehidupan sosialnya sidi hanya mempunya sedikit sekali teman bahkan dia sering diAsingkan oleh teman sekampusnya ,, sidis juga tidak pernah mempunnyai Istri bahkan pacar ,, dan gelar sarjananya tak pernah selesai / tuntas melainkan dia tinggalkan begitu saja ,, dia akhirnya membuat keputusan untuk tidak berhubungan / menjalin hubungan dengan keluarganya lagi dan sidis akhirnya mengembara dalam kerahasiaannya, mengasingkan diri, dan bekerja dengan gaji yang benar-benar seadanya saja ,, sidis menyadari bahwa hidupnya adalah hasil dari permulaan orang lain,, tepi apa mau dikata memang penyesalan selalu datangnya terlambat 

Menyedihkan memang kisah hidupnya mulai dari kesendirian yang mungkin tlah berlarut-larut dan merasa ingin lepas dari bayang-bayang sang ayah dan membuatnya membenci Matematika yang telah membuatnya di kenal banyak orang karena mungkin ingin hidup seperti orang yang normal dengan cara memulai hidup baru yang Mungkin menurutnya akan lebih indah, tenang, n' nyaman tanpa di kucilkan ataupun menjadi pusat perhatian banyak orang , wlaupun hidupnya dengan keadaan yang sangat kekurangan dengan gaji seadanya,, tetapi yang paling di sayangkan adalah kematiannya yang masih di umur yang masih cukup muda

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Avril Lavigne ( What The Hell ) Lyric & Free Download

You say that I'm messing with your head
(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
All 'cause I was making out with your friend
(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Love hurts, whether it's right or wrong
(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
I can't stop 'cause I'm having too much fun
(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

You're on your knees,

beggin' please
'stay with me'
But honestly,
I just need to be a little crazy

All my life I've been good but now,

I'm thinking 'What the hell'
All I want is to mess around,
and I don't really care about
If you love me, if you hate me,
you can't save me, baby, baby
All my life I've been good but now,
whoa 'What the hell'


What the hell

So what if I go out on a million dates

(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
You never call or listen to me anyway
(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

I'd rather rage than sit around and wait all day
(yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Don't get me wrong,
I just need some time to play (yeah)

You're on your knees,

beggin' please
'stay with me'
But honestly,
I just need to be a little crazy

All my life I've been good but now,

I'm thinking 'What the hell'
All I want is to mess around,
and I don't really care about
If you love me, if you hate me,
you can't save me, baby, baby
All my life I've been good but now,
whoa 'What the hell'

La la la la la la la la, whoa, whoa

La la la la la la la la, whoa, whoa

You say that I'm messing with your head

Boy, I like messing in your bed
Yeah, I am messing with your head
When I'm messing with you in bed

All my life I've been good but now,

I'm thinking what the hell (what the hell)
All I want is to mess around and I don't really care about (I don't care about)
All my life I've been good but now, I'm thinking what the hell
All I want is to mess around and I don't really care about. (if you love me)
If you love me (no), if you hate me (no)
You can't save me, baby, baby (if you love me)
All my life I've been good but now, whoa, what the hell

La la, La la la la la la, La la, La la la la la la la

Free Download Avril Lavigne Song ! 

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Queen Music 

Avril Lavigne ( I Always Get I Want ) Lyric & Free Download

Every now and then we all want something
Even if there's no way of gettin' it
If i stomp my feet could that make me
Be the way around it, could I get myself around it

Get me what I want

Everything I don't got
Get me what I want
Cause Im a big shot

Don't wanna always have to be so nice

Don't wanna hear you say well thats just life
I dry out when I open my mouth
I make my way around it, make my way around it

Get me what I want

Everything I don't got
Get me what I want
Cause Im a big shot

So give me what I want

I always get what I want
You don't want to see me when
I don't get what I want
Thats not what you want

I'm not about to take no for an answer

If I tell you I cant I'm still gonna go
I did it all by myself
I found my way around it

Get me what I want

Everything I don't got
Get me what I want
Cause Im a big shot
So give me what I want
I always get what I want
Don't want to see me when
I don't get what I want
Thats not what you want

It's not to lovely

It could start to get ugly
It really bugs me
If I don't get my way

Get me what I want

Everything I don't got
Get me what I want
Cause Im a big shot
So give me what I want
I always get what I want
Don't want to see me when
I don't get what I want
Thats not what you want 

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Queen Music

Avril Lavigne ( When You’re Gone ) Lyric & Free Download

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I’d need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I’m alone
And the bed where you lie
is made up on your side

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you’re gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you’re gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you’re gone
All the words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

I’ve never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes you left
they lie on my floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do

When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?

When you’re gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you’re gone
The face I came to know is missing too
And when you’re gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you

We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were
Yeah.. Yeah..
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I do I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe, I need to feel you here with me

When you’re gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you’re gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you’re gone
The words I need to hear will always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you..

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Avril Lavigne ( Wish You Were Here ) Lyric & Free Download

I can be tough
I can be strong
But with you, it's not like that at all

There's a girl

who gives a shit
behind this wall
You've just walked through it

And I remember, all those crazy things you said

You left them riding through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here.
All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here

Damn, Damn, Damn,

What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.

I love the way you are

It's who I am, don't have to try hard
We always say, say like it is
And the truth is that I really miss

All those crazy things you said

You left them riding through my head
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here.
All those crazy things we did
Didn't think about it, just went with it
You're always there, you're everywhere
But right now I wish you were here


Damn, Damn, Damn,
What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.


No, I don't wanna let go
I just wanna let you to know
That I never wanna let go

(let go let go let go let go)

No, I don't wanna let go

I just wanna let you to know
That I never wanna let go

(let go let go let go let go let go let go let go)

Damn, Damn, Damn,

What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here (I wish you were)
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.

Damn, Damn, Damn,

What I'd do to have you
here, here, here
I wish you were here.
Damn, Damn, Damn
What I'd do to have you
near, near, near
I wish you were here.

Free Download Avril Lavigne Song ! 

( after you Click Queen Music You Must Click Download Word )

Queen Music

Avril Lavigne ( Won't Let You Go ) Lyric & Free Download

When you’re fallen, you’re crashing
When your fire has turned to ashes
When you’re screaming, your heart is

When you’re feeling like there’s no
reason I won’t let you go
No, I won’t let you go Cause when you’re all alone
And it’s cold and there’s no one to hold
When you’re feeling lost
And there’s nowhere, there’s nowhere
to go 

When you’re feeling sad Don’t forget you can reach for my hand
When you’re feeling down
Just remember I won’t let you go, I won’t let you go
I won’t let you go, I won’t let you go When you’re torn down, when you’re
messed up
Don’t you give in, no don’t you give
When you’re drowning, and you’re
fading Always know that, I’m always waiting And I, I won’t let you go
No I won’t let you go Cause when you’re all alone
And it’s cold and there’s no one to hold
When you’re feeling lost
And there’s nowhere, there’s nowhere
to go 

When you’re feeling sad Don’t forget you can reach for my hand
When you’re feeling down
Just remember, remember, remember When I said forever
I know that I meant forever
And I won’t let you down
I can always be found 

And I’m always around When you’re all alone
It’s cold and there’s no one to hold
When you’re feeling lost 

And there’s nowhere, nowhere When you’re feeling sad
Don’t forget you can reach for my hand
When you’re feeling down
Just remember I won’t let you go, I won’t let you go
I won’t let you go, I won’t let you go

Free Download Avril Lavigne Song ! 

( after you Click Queen Music You Must Click Download Word )

Queen Music

Friday, September 7, 2012

Kedodoran Band ( Sahabat Sejati ) Lyric & Free Download

Tak perlu lagi kau sembunyi di sana
Dalam gelap dan sepi harimu
Aku di sini kan menggenggam tanganmu
Temani dan menerangi duniamu selaluirikLaguIndonesia.Net
Jangan pernah kau bersedih
Jangan pernah kau rasakan sepi
Dunia terasa kan pergi
Sahabat kan datangi

Hapus air matamu yang ada di pipi
Tersenyumlah dan sambut hari ini
Kita bersama kan teruslah bernyanyi
Tetaplah berdiri, satukan hati di sini

Jangan pernah kau bersedih
Jangan pernah kau rasakan sepi
Dunia terasa kan pergi
Sahabat kan datangi

Tunjukkanlah pada dunia
Sahabat sejati kan abadi selamanya

Jangan pernah kau bersedih
Jangan pernah kau rasakan sepi
Dunia terasa kan pergi
Sahabat kan datangi

Jangan pernah kau bersedih (jangan pernah bersedih)
Jangan pernah kau rasakan sepi
Meski semuanya telah pergi (meski semuanya telah pergi)
Sahabat kan datangi, sahabat yang sejati

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Avril Lavigne ( Stay Strong ) Lyric and Free Download

Dont worry boy I'm doing fine at least right now
Why won't you tell me why you always got to play hard-to-get
You've always been the kinda boy I never liked
Until one day I looked into your eyes,
And saw the boy,I never loved until this day,
You tell me,


And I need you and you told me that
Some things won't last forever,
But we both know we need each,
So boy,I'm staying strong, can tell me that thing that,
You said we weren't that ready for,
Come on,girl,were only in the fifth grade,
Just tell me please,just this time,
Cuz we're both staying strong

You keep a secret from me something only boys should know,

If you really loved me,you could tell me anything
So I still love you,if you're wondering,
Cuz that wouldn't be me,to say something like that,
Cuz thats not me,

Look boy,I'm staying strong,

So whats all of your worry about?
You're just too scared for me,
There's nothing.....about get upset about,
Its so not you,so get out

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Queen Music

Avril Lavigne ( Slipped Away ) Lyric and Free Download

na na
na na na na na na

i miss you

i miss you so bad
i don't forget you
oh it's so sad

i hope you can hear me

i remember it clearly

the day you slipped away

was the day i found
it won't be the same

na na

na na na na na

i didn't get around to kiss you

goodbye on the hand
i wish that i could see you again
i know that i can't

i hope you can hear me

i remember it clearly

the day you slipped away

was the day i found
it won't be the same

i've had my wake up

won't you wake up
i keep asking why
i can't take it
it wasn't fake
it happened you passed by

now you're gone

now you're gone
there you go
there you go
somewhere i can't bring you back
now you're gone
now you're gone
there you go
there you go
somewhere you're not coming back

the day you slipped away

was the day i found
it won't be the same

na na

na na na na na na

i miss you 

Untuk MenDownload Lagu Ini klik Link ( Queen Music ) berikut lalu ketik DOWNLOAD sesuai nama Lagu di bagian kanan
Queen Music

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Avril Lavigne ( Take It ) Lyric

Just take it take it.
Just take it take it.

I know what you do,

Flash me.
The way it's done,
Just tying to find,
Some along time.
No room to compromise.

Just take it take it.

Just take it take it.

Sent your picture to a magazine,

And baby's arn't true for toddler thing.
Is that what you always wanted to be,
Well i'd be worried for you.


Gotta try,
Run and hide,
Get away from this.
I'll get by,
In this life,
This time.

Take your best shot,

And press me.
Write a fictional story,
For your fee.
Try to get the world,
To believe.
Shocking hell like surprise.

Just take it take it.

Just take it take it.

She Sent your picture to a magazine,

And baby's arn't true for toddler thing.
Is that what you always wanted to be,
Well i'd be sorry for you.


Gotta try,
Run and hide,
Get away from this.
I'll get by,
In this life,
This time.

You see me,

I see you.
You're over there.
You see me,
I see you.

She Sent your picture to a magazine,

And baby's arn't true for toddler thing.
Is that what you always wanted to be,
Well i'd be sorry for you.


Gotta try,
Run and hide,
Get away from shit.
Gotta try,
Run and hide,
Get away from this.

Avril Lavigne ( Take Me Away ) Lyric

i cannot find a way to describe it
its there inside
all i do is hide
i wish that it would just go away
what would you do
you do if you knew
what would you do


all the pain
i thought i knew
all the thoughts lead back to you
back to what
was never said
back and forth
inside my head
i cant handle this confusion
im unable come and take me away

i feel like im all alone

all by myself i need to get around this
my words are cold
i dont want them to hurt you
if i show you
i dont think you'd understand
'cause no one understands


im going nowhere on and on and

im getting nowhere on and on and on
im going nowhere on and on and off
and on and off and on


take me away

break me away
take me away

Avril Lavigne ( Thing I’ll Never Say ) Lyric

Da da da da da

[verse 1]

I’m tugging at my hair
I’m pulling at my clothes
I’m trying to keep my cool
I know it shows
I’m staring at my feet
My cheeks are turning red
I’m searching for the words inside my head
’coz I’m feeling nervous
Trying to be so perfect
’coz I know you’re worth’re worth it...yeah

If I could say what I want to say
I’d say I want to blow you away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight?
If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down on one knee...
Marry me today!
Guess I’m wishing my life away...
With these things I’ll never say

[verse 2]

It don’t do me any good

It’s just a waste of time
What use is it to you, what’s on my mind?
If it ain’t comin’ out
We’re not goin’ anywhere
So why can’t I just tell you that I care?
’coz I’m feeling nervous
Trying to be so perfect
’coz I know you’re worth’re worth it...yeah


If I could say what I want to say
I’d say I want to blow you away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight?
If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down on one knee
Marry me today!
Guess I’m wishing my life away...
With these things I’ll never say


What’s wrong?

With my song?

These words keep slippin’ away...

I stutter...i stumble
Like I’ve got nothin’ to sa-ay...
’coz I’m feelin’ nervous
Tryin’ to be so perfect
’coz I know you’re worth’re worth it...yeah

Da da da da da da da da da...

Da da da da da da da da da...

Guess I’m wishing my life away
With these things I’ll never say
If I could say what I want to say
I’d say I want to blow you away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight?
If I could say what I want to see
I want to see you go down on one knee
Marry me today
Guess I’m wishing my life away


Avril Lavigne ( Think About It ) Lyric

I never wanted to run away from you
I felt real bad, but that was what I did
I never wanted to, I didn't hear from you
And you weren't there for me so that is what happened.


And I'm not sorry, cause we were boring
I'm not ignoring anything (anything)


There's only so much I can take
Before I start to doubt it
There's only so much I can give
You should think about it
Yeah, you should think about it

It's time to have my fun, there's no way it's done

"Take it with no regrets" and that is what I'll do
I'll never understand where you were coming from
And where did you go? You weren't there for me


And I'm not sorry, cause we were boring
I'm not ignoring anything (anything)


There's only so much I can take
Before I start to doubt it
There's only so much I can give
You should think about it
There's only so much we can do
Can we do without it?
There's only so much you can say
Did you forget about it?
Did you forget about it?

I never wanted to run away from you

I felt real bad, but that was what I did


And I'm not sorry, cause we were boring
I'm not ignoring anything (anything)


There's only so much I can take
Before I start to doubt it
There's only so much I can give
You should think about it
There's only so much we can do
Can we do without it?
There's only so much you can say
Did you forget about it?
Did you forget about it?

I never wanted to run away from you

I felt real bad, but that was what I did

Avril Lavigne ( Together ) Lyric

Something just isn’t right
I can feel it inside
The truth isn’t far behind me
You can't deny
When I turn the lights out
When I close my eyes
Reality overcomes me
I’m living a lie


When I’m alone
I feel so much better
And when I’m around you
I don’t feel


It doesn’t feel right at all
Together we’ve build a wall
Holding hands we'll fall
Hands we'll fall

This has gone on too long

I realize that I need
Something good to rely on
Something for me


My heart is broken

I’m here
My thoughts are choking
On you, my dear
On you, my dear
On you, my dear

Chorus (2x)

When I’m around you

When I’m around you
I don’t feel together, no
I don’t feel together, no

When I’m around you

When I’m around you
I don’t feel together, no
I don’t feel together

Avril Lavigne ( One Of Those Girls ) Lyric

La la la, la la la la

I know your kind of girl

You only care about one thing
Who you've seen, or where you've been
Who's got money

I see that look in your eyes

It tells a million lies
But deep inside, I know why
You're talking to him

I know what you're all about

I really hope he figures it out


She's one of those girls
They're nothing but trouble
Just one look and now you're seeing double
Before you know it she'll be gone
Off to the next one
She's so good that you won't see it comin
She'll take you for a ride and you'll be left with nothing
You'll be broke and she'll be gone
Off to the next one

Oh oh oh

Off to the next one
Oh oh yeah yeah oh oh

She's gonna be the end of you

At least that's what they say
It's been a while
You're in denial
And now it's too late
The way she looks makes you hide
All the warning signs
Cus her blond hair, her blue eyes
Makes you wanna die

I know what she's all about

I really hope you figure it out


You know it's a game, you know it's a game

She keeps playing around with your head, playing around with your head
She's so insane, so insane
She's the one to blame, she's the one to blame


Oh oh oh

Off to the next one
Oh oh yeah yeah
Off to the next one

Avril Lavigne ( Who Knows ) Lyric

why do you look so familiar
i could swear that i have seen your face before
i think i like that you seem sincere
i think id like to get to know you
a little bit more


i think theres something more
lifes worth living for

who knows what could happen

do what you do
just keep on laughing
one things true
theres always a brand new day
im gonna live today like its my last day

how do you always have an opinion

and how do you always find
the best way to compromise
we dont need to have a reason
we dont need anything were just wasting time

chorus (2x)

find yourself

'cause i cant find you
be yourself
who are you?
find yourself
'cause i cant find you
be yourself
who are you?


so you go and make it happen

do your best
just keep on laughing
im telling you
theres always a brand new day


Avril Lavigne ( Two Rivers ) Lyric

Rains of sand slip through your hands
Never ceasing time
Fold your hands in silent prayer
Eternal peace you'll find


Like two rivers flow
to the open sea
Someday we'll reunite
for all eternity

Let the rain falling on your face

Run in to your eyes
Can you see the rainbow now
Through the stormy skies


Like two rivers flow
to the open sea
Someday we'll reunite
for all eternity

Like two rivers flow

to the open sea
Someday we'll reunite
for all eternity

Standing in the rising tide

Heaven's light shines on you
On you, on you

Test the sea rising at your feet

How far can you go
Til you need God's helping hand
To ride the under-toe


Like two rivers flow
to the open sea
Someday we'll reunite
for all eternity

Someday we'll reunite

for all eternity

Someday we'll reunite

for all eternity

Avril Lavigne ( Too Much To Ask ) Lyric

It's the first time I ever felt this lonely
I wish someone could cure this pain
It's funny when you think its gonna work out
Til you chose weed over me, you're so lame
I thought you were cool until the point
But up until the point you didnt call me
When you said you would
I finally figured out youre all the same
Always coming up with some kind of story

Everytime I try to make you smile

You're always feeling sorry for yourself
Everytime I try to make you laugh
You can't
Youre too tough
You think you're the best
Is it too much that I'm asking for?

I thought you'd come around when I ignored you

So I thought you'd have the decency to change
But babe, I guess you didn't take that warning
'Cause I'm not about to look at your face again

Can't you see that you lie to yourself

You can't see the world through a mirror
It wont be too late when the smoke clears
'Cause I, I am still here

But everytime I try to make you smile

You'd always grow up feeling sorry for yourself
Everytime I try to make you laugh
You stand like a stone
Alone in your zone
Is it too much that I'm asking for?

Yeah yeah yeah yeah

Can't find where i am
Lying here
Alone I fear
Afraid of the dark
No one to claim
Alone again

Can't you see that you lie to yourself

You can't see the world through a mirror
It wont be too late when the smoke clears
'Cause I, I am still here

Everytime I try to make you smile

You're always feeling sorry for yourself
Everytime I try to make you laugh
You can't
You're too tough
You think you're the best
It was too much that I'm asking for

Avril Lavigne ( Tomorrow ) Lyric

And I wanna believe you,
When you tell me that it'll be ok,
Ya I try to believe you,
But I don't

When you say that it's gonna be,

It always turns out to be a different way,
I try to believe you,
Not today, today, today, today, today...


I don't know how to feel,

tomorrow, tomorrow,
I don't know what to say,
tomorrow, tomorrow
Is a different day

It's always been up to you,

It's turning around,
It's up to me,
I'm gonna do what I have to do,
just do

Gimme a lil time,

Leave me alone a little while,
Maybe it's not too late,
not today, today, today, today, today...

[Chorus ]

I don't know how to feel,

tomorrow, tomorrow,
I don't know what to say,
tomorrow, tomorrow
Is a different day

And I know I'm not ready,

Maybe tomorrow

And I wanna believe you,

When you tell me that it'll be ok,
Ya I try to believe you,
Not today, today, today, today, today...

Tomorrow it may change [4x

Avril Lavigne ( Punky Princess 4 ) Lyric

I saw you at the mall
Trying on the clothes
In that little blue stall
I was watching your feet
Then a piece of cheese hit the floor
Ohhh yeah Floor
Chorus:I'm just a punk princess
Trying to make it through this life
Trying to make everything alright
But all I can picture is the cheese
Ooh yeah cheese
Why must you make me hurt so much?
Why must you eat so much cheese at lunch?
Why don't you just die, and leave me here like I was
DIE! DIE!! DIE!!! DIE!!!!!! Die like the Japs at Hiroshima when the atom
bomb hit their face and then they died
Actually don't die because that's mean,
and because MTV will break their contract with me
So don't die
Pleash is a word, invented in Spain
Pleash was invented to symbolize the pain
The pain that you've put me through
The pain that I've gained
But if you die, it will all go away
All go away
All go away
But actually don't die pleash, because I kinda like you a little still
But not a lot, just a speck
Like the cheese that's left after I've raided through the fridge
Why must you remind me of cheese?
I love cheese but not you
I only love you a little
Only a speck

Avril Lavigne ( Runaway ) Lyric

Got up on the wrong side of life today, yeah
Crash the car and I'm gonna be really late
My phone doesn't work cus it's out of range
Looks like it's just one of those kind of days

You can't kick me down I'm already on the ground

No you can't, but you couldn't catch me anyhow
Blue skies, but the sun isn't coming out, no
Today is like I'm under a heavy cloud

And I feel so alive

I can't help myself
Don't you realize


I just wanna scream and lose control
Throw my hands up and let it go
Forget about everything and run away, yeah
I just wanna fall and lose myself
Laughing so hard it hurts like hell
Forget about everything and run away, yeah

So-so's how I'm doing, if you're wondering

I'm in a fight with the world but I'm winning
Stay there, come closer it's at your own risk
Yeah you know how it is life can be a bitch

And I feel so alive

I can't help myself
Don't you realize


Run away, run away [Repeat]

[Chorus X2]

Avril Lavigne ( I Don't Have To Try ) Lyric

I'm the one, I'm the one who knows the dance
I'm the one, I'm the one who's got the prance
I'm the one, I'm the one who wears the pants
I wear the pants
I'm the one who tells you what to do
You're the one, you're the one if I let you
I'm the one, I'm the one who wears the pants
I wear the pants

Hey you, follow me or take the lead

Can't you see
Don't you question me
You just do what I say

I don't care what you're sayin

I don't care what you're thinkin
I don't care about anything
Get ready, get ready cus I'm happening
I don't care what you're sayin
I don't care what you're thinkin
I don't care about anything
Get ready, get ready cus I'm on the scene


I don't have to try
To make you realize
Anything I wanna do, anything I'm gonna do
Anything I wanna do I do
And I don't have to try

Don't you disagree

Cus you know it's all about me
Be at my beck and call
I'm a know-it-all
And it's all your fault

I don't care what you're sayin

I don't care what you're thinkin
I don't care about anything
Get ready, get ready cus I'm happening
I don't care what you're sayin
I don't care what you're thinkin
I don't care about anything
Get ready, get ready cus I'm on the scene

[Chorus X2]

Don't have to try

Avril Lavigne ( I Don't Give ) Lyric

Everytime you go away
It actually kinda makes my day
Everytime you leave
You slam the door

You pick your words so carefully

You hate to think you're hurting me
You leave me laughing on
The floor

Cause I don't give a damn, I don't give a shit

What you say about that
You know I don't give a damn, I don't give a shit
What you say about that
You know I'm not gonna cry, about some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that

I thought we were just hanging out

So why'd you kiss me on the mouth
You thought the way you taste
Would get me high

You went to all your friends to brag

Guys are always such a drag
Don't you know the reason that I kissed you was to
Say goodbye

Cause I don't give a damn

I don't give a shit what you say about that
You know I don't give a damn
I don't give a shit what you say about that
You know I'm not gonna cry about some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that

Hanging hanging out, I am simply

Hanging hanging out, I am simply
Hanging so why'd you kiss me on the mouth?

Don't you know that I...

I don't give a damn about you

I won't give a shit not for you
I don't give a damn about you
I won't give a shit not for you
I'm not gonna cry about some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that

I don't give a damn

I don't give a shit what you say about that
You know I don't give a damn
I don't give a shit what you say about that

I don't give a damn

I don't give a shit what you say about that
You know I don't give a damn
I don't give a shit what you say about that

Avril Lavigne ( I Can Do Better ) Lyric

I couldn't give a damn what you say to me
I don't really care what you think of me
cause either way you're gonna think what you believe
there's nothing you could say that would hurt me

I'm better off without you anyway

I thought it would be hard but I'm ok
I don't need you if you're gonna be that way
cause with me it's all or nothing

I'm sick of your shit don't deny

you're a waste of time
I'm sick of your shit
don't ask why

I hate you now

So go away from me
You're gone
So long
I can do better
I can do better
I found myself again
That's why
I can do better
I can do better

You're so full of shit

I can't stand the way you have to just can (?) comprehend
I don't think that you can handle it
I'm way over,
over it

I will drink as much Lemoncello as I can

and I'll do it again and again
I don't really care what you have to say
Cuz you know you know you're nothing

I'm sick of your shit don't deny

you're a waste of time
I'm sick of your shit
don't ask why

I hate you now

So go away from me
You're gone
So long
I can do better
I can do better
I found myself again
That's why
I can do better
I can do better

What'd you say?

I told you so
You know that
cuz I always know

Get outta my face

Hey Hey
You're not my taste
Hey Hey

I am so

sick of you
You're on my nerves
I wanted you

Get outta my face

Hey Hey
You're not my taste
Hey Hey

I hate you now

So go away from me
You're gone
So long
I can do better
I can do better
I found myself again
That's why
I can do better
I can do better

I hate you now

So go away from me
You're gone
So long
I can do better
I can do better
I found myself again
That's why
I can do better
I can do better

Avril Lavigne ( No One Needs to Know ) Lyric

Am I dreamin' or stupid?
I think I've been hit by Cupid
But no one needs to know right now

I met a tall, dark and handsome man

And I've been busy makin' big plans
But no one needs to know right now

I got my heart set, my feet wet

And he don't even know it yet
But no one needs to know right now

I'll tell him someday some way somehow

But I'm gonna keep it a secret for now

I want bells to ring, a choir to sing

The white dress the guests the cake the car the whole darn thing
But no one needs to know right now

I'll tell him someday some way somehow

But I'm gonna keep it a secret for now

We'll have a little girl a little boy

A little Benji we call Leroy
But no one needs to know right now

And I'm not lonely anymore at night

And he don't know only only he can make it right

And I'm not lonely anymore at night

And he don't know only only he can make it right

I'm not dreamin' or stupid

But boy have I been hit by Cupid
But no one needs to know right now

No one needs to know right now...

Avril Lavigne ( Near to the Heart of God ) Lyric

Near to the Heart of God

There is a place of quiet rest,

Near to the heart of God.
A place where sin cannot molest,
Near to the heart of God.

O Jesus, blest Redeemer,

Sent from the heart of God,
Hold us who wait before Thee
Near to the heart of God.

There is a place of comfort sweet,

Near to the heart of God.
A place where we our Savior meet,
Near to the heart of God.


There is a place of full release,
Near to the heart of God.
A place where all is joy and peace,
Near to the heart of God.


Avril Lavigne ( Nobody's Fool ) Lyric

Fall back
Take a look at me
And you'll see I'm for real
I feel what only I can feel
And if that don't appeal to you
Let me know
And I'll go
'Cuz I flow

Better when my colors show
And that's the way it has to be
'Cuz creativity could never bloom
In my room
I'd throw it all away before I lie
So don't call me with a compromise
Hang up the phone
I've got a backbone stronger than yours

La la la la la la
La la la la la la la
La la la la la la


If you're trying to turn me into someone else
Its easy to see I'm not down with that
I'm not nobody's fool
If you're trying to turn me into something else
I've seen enough and I'm over that
I'm not nobody's fool
If you wanna bring me down
Go ahead and try
Go ahead and try

You don't know

You think you know me like yourself
But I fear
That you're only telling me what I wanna hear
But do you give a damn
That I can't not be what I am
I'm not the milk and cheerios in your spoon
Its not a simple hearing but not so soon
I might've fallen for that when I was fourteen
And a little more green
But its amazing what a couple of years can mean

La la la la la la

La la la la la la la
La la la la la la


Go ahead and try
Try and look me in the eye
But you'll never see inside
Until you realize, realize
Things are trying to settle down
Just try to figure out
Exactly what I'm about
If its with or without you
I don't need you doubting me


La la la la la la

La la la la la la la
La la la la la la

Would you be laughing out loud

If I played to my own crowd

Avril Lavigne ( Nobody's Home ) Lyric

I couldn't tell you why she felt that way,
She felt it everyday.
And I couldn't help her,
I just watched her make the same mistakes again.

What's wrong, what's wrong now?

Too many, too many problems.
Dont know where she belongs, where she belongs.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
Thats where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go, to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.

Open your eyes and look outside,

Find the reason why,
You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you left behind.
Be strong, be strong now.
Too many, too many problems.
Dont know where she belongs, where she belongs.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
Thats where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go, to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.

Her feelings she hides.

Her dreams she can't find.
She's losing her mind.
She's falling behind.
She can't find her place.
She's losing her faith.
She's falling from grace.
She's all over the place.

yeah ...

She wants to go home, but nobody's home.

Thats where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go to, dry her eyes.
Broken inside.

She's lost inside, lost inside... oh oh.

She's lost inside, lost inside... oh oh.

Avril Lavigne ( Goodbye ) Lyric

Goodbye, my love

I can’t hide

Can’t hide
Can’t hide what has come.
I have to go, I have to go, I have to go
And leave you alone

But always know, always know, always know

That I love you so
I love you so
I love you so


Goodbye, brown eyes
Goodbye for now
Goodbye, sunshine
Take care of yourself
I have to go, I have to go, I have to go
And leave you alone
But always know, always know, always know
That I love you so, I love you so, oh.
I love you so.

La lullaby. Distract me with your eyes.

La lullaby. La lullaby. Help me sleep tonight.
La lullaby (la lullaby, la lullaby)

I have to go (Goodbye)

I have to go (Goodbye)
I have to go (Goodbye)
And leave you alone

But always know, always know, always know

That I love you so
I love you so
I love you so
I love you so
I love you so
I love you so
I love you so

Goodbye, brown eyes

Goodbye my love

Avril Lavigne ( Give It Up ) Lyric

Everytime you go away
It actually kinda makes my day
Everytime you leave
You slam the door

You pick your words so carefully

You hate to think you’re hurting me
You leave me laughing on the floor

‘Cause I don’t give it up

I don’t give a damn
What you say about that
You know, I don’t give it up
I don’t give a damn
What you say about that
You know Im not gonna cry
About some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he’s all that

I thought we were just hanging out

So why’d you kiss me on the mouth?
You thought the way you taste would get me high
You went to all your friends to brag
Guys are always such a drag
Don’t ya know the reason that
I kissed you was to say goodbye

Cause I don’t give it up

I don’t give a damn
What you say about that
You know I don’t give it up
I don’t give a damn
What you say about that
You know Im not gonna cry
About some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he’s all that

Hangin’, Hangin’ out

I am simply
Hangin’, Hangin’ out
I am simply
Hangin’, So why’d ya kiss me on the mouth?
Don’t ya know that I…
I don’t give a damn about you
I wont give it up now for you
I don’t give a damn about you
I wont give it up now for you
I’m not gonna cry
About some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he’s all that

Cause I don’t give it up

I don’t give a damn
What you say about that
You know I don’t give it up
I don’t give a damn
What you say about that

I don’t give it up

I don’t give a damn
What you say about that
You know I don’t give it up
I don’t give a damn
What you say about that

Avril Lavigne ( Forgotten ) Lyric

ah ah ah ah
ah ah ah ah

im giving up on everything

because you messed me up
dont know how much you screwed it up
you never listened
thats just too bad

because im moving on

i wont forget
you were the one that was wrong
i know i need to step up
and be strong
dont patronize me
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah


have you forgotten
everything that i wanted
do you forget it now
you never got it
do you get it now
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

ah ah ah ah

ah ah ah ah

gotta get away

theres no point in thinking about yesterday
its too late now
it wont ever be the same
we're so different now
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah


i know i wanna run away

i know i wanna run away
run away
if only i could run away
if only i could run away
run away
i told you what i wanted
i told you what i wanted
what i wanted
but i was forgotten
i wont be forgotten
never again

chorus (2x)


yeah yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah

Avril Lavigne ( Girlfriend ) Lyric

Hey! Hey! You! You!
I don’t like your girlfriend!
No way! No way!
I think you need a new one
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I could be your girlfriend

Hey! Hey! You! You!

I know that you like me
No way! No way!
No it’s not a secret
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I want to be your girlfriend

[Verse 1]

You’re so fine
I want you mine
You’re so delicious
I think about ya all the time
You’re so addictive
Don’t you know what I could do to make you feel alright?
Don’t pretend I think you know I’m damn precious
And Hell Yeah
I’m the motherfucking princess
I can tell you like me too and you know I’m right


She’s like so whatever
You could do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that’s what everyone’s talking about!


Hey! Hey! You! You!
I don’t like your girlfriend!
No way! No way!
I think you need a new one
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I could be your girlfriend

Hey! Hey! You! You!

I know that you like me
No way! No way!
No it’s not a secret
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I want to be your girlfriend

[Verse 2]

I can see the way, I see the way you look at me
And even when you look away I know you think of me
I know you talk about me all the time again and again
So come over here, tell me what I want to hear
Better yet make your girlfriend disappear
I don’t want to hear you say her name ever again
(And again and again and again!)


She’s like so whatever
You could do so much better
I think we should get together now
And that’s what everyone’s talking about!


Hey! Hey! You! You!
I don’t like your girlfriend!
No way! No way!
I think you need a new one
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I could be your girlfriend

Hey! Hey! You! You!

I know that you like me
No way! No way!
No it’s not a secret
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I want to be your girlfriend

In a second you’ll be wrapped around my finger

Cause I can, cause I can do it better
There’s no other
So when's it gonna sink in?
She’s so stupid
What the hell were you thinking?!

[Chorus (repeat)]

Avril Lavigne ( Naked ) Lyric

I wake up in the morning
Put on my face
The one that's gonna get me
Through another day
Doesn't really matter
How I feel inside
'Cause life is like a game sometimes

But then you came around me

The walls just disappeared
Nothing to surround me
And keep me from my fears
I'm unprotected
See how I've opened up
Oh, you've made me trust

Because I've nver felt like this before

I'm naked
Around you
Does it show?
You see right through me
And I can't hide
I'm naked
Around you
And it feels so right

I'm tyring to remember

Why I was afraid
To be myself and let the
Covers fall away
I guess I never had someone like you
To help me, to help me fit
In my spirit

I never felt like this before

I'm naked
Around you
Does it show?
You see right through me
And I can't hide
I'm naked
Around you
And it feels so right

I'm naked

Oh oh yeah
Does it show?
Yeah, I'm naked
Oh oh, yeah yeah

I'm so naked around you

And I can't hide
You're gonna see right through, baby

Avril Lavigne ( My World ) Lyric

Please tell me what is takin' place,
Cuz I can't seem to find a trace,
Guess it must have got erased somehow,
Probably cuz I always forget,
Everytime someone tells me their name,
It's always gotta be the same.
(In my World)
Never wore cover-up,
Always beat the boys up,
Grew up in a five thousand population town,
Made my money by cutting grass,
Got fired by fried chicken ass,
All in a small town, Napanee.

You know I always stay up without sleepin',

And think to myself,
Where do I belong forever,
In whose arms, the time and place?


Can't help if I space in a daze,
My eyes tune out the other way,
I may switch off and go in a daydream,
In this head my thoughts are deep,
But sometimes I can't even speak,
Will someone be and not pretend? I'm off again in my World

I never spend less than an hour,

Washin' my hair in the shower,
It always takes five hours to make it straight,
So I'll braid it in a zillion braids,
Though it may take a friggin' day,
There's nothin' else better to do anyway.

When you're all alone in the lands of forever,

Lay under the milky way,
On and on it's getting too late out,
I'm not in love this time this night.


Can't help if I space in a daze,
My eyes tune out the other way,
I may switch off and go in a daydream,
In this head my thoughts are deep,
But sometimes I can't even speak,
Will someone be and not pretend? I'm off again in my World

(la la la la)

Take some time,

Mellow out,
Party up,
I don't fall down,
Don't get caught,
Sneak out of the house.


Can't help if I space in a daze,
My eyes tune out the other way,
I may switch off and go in a daydream,
In this head my thoughts are deep,
But sometimes I can't even speak,
Will someone be and not pretend? I'm off again in my World

Can't help if I space in a daze,

My eyes tune out the other way,
I may switch off and go in a daydream,
In this head my thoughts are deep,
But sometimes I can't even speak,
Will someone be and not pretend? I'm off again in my World

Avril Lavigne ( My Dreams ) Lyric

Please tell me what is takin' place,
Cuz I can't seem to find a trace,
Guess it must have got erased somehow,
Probably cuz I always forget,
Everytime someone tells me their name,
It's always gotta be the same.
(In my World)
Never wore cover-up,
Always beat the boys up,
Grew up in a five thousand population town,
Made my money by cutting grass,
Got fired by fried chicken ass,
All in a small town, Napanee.

You know I always stay up without sleepin',

And think to myself,
Where do I belong forever,
In whose arms, the time and place?


Can't help it if I space in a daze,
My eyes tune out the other way,
I may switch off and go in a daydream,
In this head my thoughts are deep,
But sometimes I can't even speak,
Will someone be and not pretend? I'm off again in my World

I never spend less than an hour,

Washin' my hair in the shower,
It always takes five hours to make it straight,
So I'll braid it in a zillion braids,
Though it may take a friggin' day,
There's nothin' else better to do anyway.

When you're all alone in the lands of forever,

Lay under the milky way,
On and on it's getting too late out,
I'm not in love this time this night.


Can't help it if I space in a daze,
My eyes tune out the other way,
I may switch off and go in a daydream,
In this head my thoughts are deep,
But sometimes I can't even speak,
Will someone be and not pretend? I'm off again in my World

(la la la la)

Take some time,

Mellow out,
Party up,
I don't fall down,
Don't get caught,
Sneak out of the house.


Can't help it if I space in a daze,
My eyes tune out the other way,
I may switch off and go in a daydream,
In this head my thoughts are deep,
But sometimes I can't even speak,
Will someone be and not pretend? I'm off again in my World

Can't help it if I space in a daze,

My eyes tune out the other way,
I may switch off and go in a daydream,
In this head my thoughts are deep,
But sometimes I can't even speak,
Will someone be and not pretend? I'm off again in my World

Avril Lavigne ( Destiny ) Lyric

searching for my destiny
not knowing where to look
searching all over the world
pointless, without a system

Where is my destiny?

Where and what is my destiny?
You will always know
that I'm looking for it with you


Is it in the sky?
Under the sea or on the ground?
In a wood or in the deserts?
On a mountain or in a valley?

Together we will find our destiny

Together we will search
All those years, looking
All those years, pointless

Why do I say it was pointless

Looking for it with you
I will give you the reason
My you...

Avril Lavigne ( Come Back ) Lyric

if i'm with him now
i'll never let go
please somebody take me
off this show.
well what do you know
we're together now
i'll need someone to come back
home to

nobody knew me then

i was just a little picture head
somebody you've just seen last week

Avril Lavigne ( Alone ) Lyric

Uh uh oh oh oh
Uh uh oh oh oh
Hey man.
Tell me what were you thinking
What the hell were you saying?
Oh come on now,
Stop! and think about it.
Hey now,
maybe you should just listen,
maybe you should stop talking for a second.
Shut up, listen to me.


You're so obvious,
you're so oblivious,
and now you wonder why,
you're the one alone.
So don't apologize,
you don't even realize,
you screwed it up this time
now you're the one alone

Uh uh oh oh oh

Uh uh oh oh oh

Hey bro,

I'm just tryin' to let you know,
you really think that you're special,
oh come on now,
I've seen so much better,
hey there,
did you actually think that I cared?

Don't know if you want to go there,

oh come on now,
keep on, keep on dreaming.


You're so obvious,
you're so oblivious,
and now you wonder why,
you're the one alone.
So don't apologize,
you don't even realize,
you screwed it up this time
now you're the one alone

If you,

want to,
be my,
uh uh oh,
you know,
you can't,
play games,
and you know what I mean,
but you don't,
get my,
I'm gone,
you're still,
about me,
over and over and over and over and over again.


You're so obvious,
you're so oblivious,
and now you wonder why,
you're the one alone.
So don't apologize,
you don't even realize,
you screwed it up this time
now you're the one alone

You're so obvious,

you're so oblivious,
and now you wonder why,
you're the one alone.
So don't apologize,
you don't even realize,
you screwed it up this time
now you're the one alone

Uh uh Oh oh oh

Uh uh Oh oh oh
Uh uh Oh oh oh
Uh uh Oh oh oh

Avril Lavigne ( Daydream ) Lyric

la la la la
la la la la

i coulda been the one u noticed

i coulda been all over you
i coulda been like all the others
is that what im supposed to do

it woulda been really stupid

if i woulda went home with you
to give you everything you wanted
it woulda been way to soon

i try to be sensitive

i try to be tough
i try to walk away
i try to be innocent
i try to be rough
but i just wanna play

you're my daydream

you know that i've been thinking about you..lately
and everytime i look at you
i cant explain how i feel inside
i can't get away
you're my daydream


and you know and you know and you know and you know
you're making me insane
and you know and you know and you know and you know
you're doing it again...(repeats)


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